Portfolio / Exhibitions and Events / Colgate When discussing Colgate, extensive introduction isn’t necessary. A global conglomerate renowned for its legacy, products, and culture, Colgate is a household name. We had the privilege of collaborating with them during their Operational Excellence Week in 2022, providing branding services. We got the opportunity to collaborate with Colgate during their Operational Excellence Week in 2022. This particular event is curated specially for the blue-collared employees to give them a better understanding of Colgate’s culture. The task over here was to ensure that the communication model that we suggested connects with the audience. Hence one of the branding services that we suggested was danglers hanging from the roof so that everyone walking in and out of the office can read the communication on it. Apart from this, we fabricated multiple branding panels with clear and crisp communication about the Operational Excellence Week on it. Overall, we executed the Operational Excellence Week with a touch of creativity, making the plant more vibrant with our designs and branding services. Designing for Impact: Colgate’s Operational Week Branding Journey
The Process : Branding Services for Colgate’s Excellence
Execution: Branding Services for Colgate’s Operational Excellence Week