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Social Media Marketing Services

Deliciously Digital: Scooping Up Flavyo’s
Sweet Success

Flavyo, a beloved ice cream brand, has been delighting customers across North India, serving in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh. Here are the highlights of the effective digital marketing strategies implemented, to expand Flavyo’s distribution network, boost its online presence & grow its social reach through creative and fun-filled campaigns.

social media marketing services

Interactive Stories and Polls

Engaging Instagram Stories featuring interactive polls, quizzes, and behind-the-scenes
content helped strengthen the brand-customer relationship.

social media marketing services
social media marketing services

Bloop harnesses the power of moment marketing for Flavyo, seizing timely opportunities to craft engaging campaigns that
resonate with audiences, fostering lasting connections

fmcg digital marketing
fmcg digital marketing
fmcg digital marketing